To begin scheduling your appointments, I ask all new clients to book a consultation with me. Electrolysis is an intimate procedure. It can stir up emotions. It can come with expectations or be a confusing process to those who are new to it. In our consultation, we will review your hopes and fears and formulate a plan of action to give you the best possible results with sessions that make you feel comfortable, both physically and mentally.


My transparent pricing ensures affordability and accessibility to electrology services tailored to your needs.

Current rate:


Wednesday: 3pm - 9pm
Thurs - Sat:  10am - 9pm

Electrolysis isn't just about removing hair; it's about empowerment and affirming one's true self. For trans individuals, it's a crucial step towards aligning their outer appearance with their inner identity, fostering confidence and authenticity.


Why should I consider electrology for hair removal?

It is the only FDA-approved method for permanent hair removal. It's effective for all hair and skin types, unlike some other methods which may not work well on certain hair or skin colors.

Can electrology help with hair growth caused by hormonal changes?

For those experiencing hair growth due to hormonal changes, such as transgender individuals or people with conditions like PCOS, electrology can effectively manage and remove unwanted hair.

What do I need to know after the procedure?

For the first 24 hours after your treatment, try to avoid activities that may irritate the hair follicles, including:

  • Anything that causes sweating.

  • Tanning.

  • Staying out in the sun.

  • Applying makeup.

How does electrology compare to other hair removal methods?

Medical electrolysis devices are called epilators. They destroy the growth center of the hair using an electric current.

The device targets individual hair follicles, making it ideal for removing unwanted hair from small areas like the face, eyebrows, or bikini line with high precision.

Does it hurt?

The device used in the procedure is a thin needle, which is often even finer than the hair. I’ll insert the needle into the opening of the hair follicle. A small electrical current destroys the hair growth cells. The skin where the needle enters may feel temporarily hot or like a pinch.

Electrolysis doesn’t typically cause too much discomfort. You may feel a slight tingling. Talk to Robin about a topical anesthetic (numbing cream) if necessary.

Is this a safe method for hair removal?

Electrology has been used for over a century and has a proven track record of safety and effectiveness when performed by a trained professional.

How many appointments will I need?

Treatment length depends on several factors, including the body area and the type of hair growing there. If you’re treating a larger area, or an area with coarse hair, you’ll need more treatments.

Hairs have different growth cycles. Your hair follicle produces hair and discards it through shedding. This hair production cycle is a process of growth, rest and replacement. Individual hairs are in different phases of this cycle. More than one treatment catches the hairs at the right point in the cycle to destroy them.

Book a free consultation with me to get a better time estimate tailored to your hair removal expectations.


I became an electrologist both because I saw how much it transformed my appearance and because I saw how much it was needed in Portland.

I want you to have the hair you want and not have the hair you don't want because you get to decide how you look.